Happy Holidays and Westwind Office Closure
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from Westwind! Our office will be closed during the holidays but we will be back on January 6th. We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season and we look forward to working with everyone again in 2020!
Tree Marking Meeting 2019
Last Thursday, Westwind hosted our regular tree markers at Camp Wenonah for a day discussing safety, FMP changes, and different aspects of tree marking in the French-Severn forest. Discussions inside and in the field included marking around values such as streams and ponds, marking in stands with hemlock or beech, and marking stand improvement. This also provided […]
Muskoka Watershed Council’s Stewardship Conference
Westwind’s Forest Manager, Barry Davidson, attended the Muskoka Watershed Council’s Stewardship Conference entitled Our Watershed: Connecting the Drops. This was a well attended event held at the Active Living Centre in Huntsville where both professionals and the public came to discuss concerns relative to the health of the watersheds in Muskoka. A diverse range of […]
2019 Indigenous Lands & Resource Management Conference
Yesterday, a Westwind staff attended the 2019 Indigenous Lands & Resource Management Conference at the Stockey Centre in Parry Sound. There were many great speakers highlighting projects and research happening in First Nations throughout the area. We learned about local endangered species and habitat restoration. One consistent theme of the day was creating educational opportunities to share this […]
2019-2029 Draft FMP Review
The French Severn Forest Local Citizens’ Committee invites you to attend information sessions on proposed DRAFT forest management activities in the French Severn Forest for 2019-2029. Attendees will be informed about proposed forestry-related work in the productive crown forest land of the French Severn Forest; an area spanning west of Algonquin Park to Georgian Bay […]
Forest for Kids
Check out this video of the Forests for Kids tree planting event which took place at the Pine Glen Public School last Tuesday. The Chair of our Board, Louise Montague, helped teach students about forests, forestry, and planting trees along with Forests Ontario and Algonquin Forest Authority.
Happy Retirement Ken!
Last Tuesday, we wished Ken Webb a happy retirement with a party at the Parry Sound Golf and Country Club. Westwind Staff, former colleagues, friends, and family joined to celebrate Ken’s career in forestry through some golf, speeches, and food. Ken has been with Westwind since 1998 as a senior technician focusing on the southwest […]
Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Visits the French-Severn Forest
Dianne Saxe, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, visited Parry Sound and the French-Severn forest last Wednesday. In the morning, Westwind Forest Manager, Barry Davidson (far right) attended a breakfast hosted by the Georgian Bay Biospshere Reserve in honor of the visit from Dianne Saxe (far left). Parry Sound-Muskoka MPP Norm Miller (second from right) along with Parry […]
Review of Proposed Operations for the 2019-2029 Forest Management Plan
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), Westwind Forest Stewardship Inc. and the Parry Sound Local Citizens’ Committee (LCC) invite you to an information centre. This information centre is being held as part of the detailed planning of operations for the ten-year period of the 2019-2029 Forest Management Plan (FMP) for the French-Severn […]
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